There is a feature in Windows 10 that allows you to configure a Remote Desktop connection shortcut directly in windows without having to go through the Remote Desktop Web Access page (

The result is a shortcut icon in your Start Menu that points to Managed Desktop directly and a system that keeps the icon up to date so it is always secure to access the desktop through.

This guide shows you how to configure this feature on a Windows 10 computer.  This guide may apply to older versions of Windows as well but has been tested on a Windows 10.

Navigate to the Control Panel on your computer and open RemoteApp and Desktop Connections

Click on Access RemoteApp and Desktops from the left hand side of the screen.  In the window that opens, type in (or copy and paste):

Press Next

After 10-20 seconds, you should see this:

Click Next

You should be prompted for your Managed Desktop credentials.  Enter your username and password:

Click OK

You should see a window like this showing success.

Press Finish

Open your Start Menu

You should see a shortcut icon create for Managed Desktop in your Recently added section of the start menu.  Copy this shortcut to your desktop.

You can now use this icon to launch the desktop session instead of having to sign in to the website, and then clicking on the shortcut in there.

By default, this icon uses all monitors so maybe a solution for customers who don't wish to tick the 'Multi Monitor' tick box in the web portal.

If you go back in to the applet in the control panel, you can check that it is healthy and when it last updated with the server to keep the token up to date.