This is a guide on how to reset your password with security questions.
This guide assumes you have already configured your security questions with the following guide Setting up your security questions.
First, navigate to and click on the “Forgot Password” button as shown below.
Next, enter your username (this is your username that you sign into your Lucidity Services with - this is also typically your primary email address).
Then, type the CAPTCHA (the difficult to read text) in the box below, if this is illegible, press the “Refresh” button for a new captcha.
Next, if you answer the text correctly and have security questions set, you will be redirected to a page which contains your security questions like below.
Fill out your security questions (It’s not case sensitive) and then click “Validate”.
If you answered your security questions correctly, you will see a screen like the below.
If you didn’t answer them correctly, try again - Or if you are stuck please contact the Lucidity Support team.
Type in your new password (your password will need to meet the below requirements). You will then have successfully reset your Lucidity Password.
Our current password requirements are
Must be a minimum of 8 characters long
Must contain 3 of the following 4 character types:
Lower Case (eg lower case)
Upper Case (eg UPPER CASE)
Numbers (eg 1, 2, 3)
Symbols (eg @, $, !)