The Announcements live tile is a simple and effective way to communicate internal updates and upcoming events with your employees. It can be used to notify staff about company news or updates, upcoming events/meetings, staff news or urgent information.
Creating an Annoucement
Admins can easily publish a new announcement by clicking on the plus symbol in the bottom left-hand corner of the Annoucements live tile.
NB. if the Annoucments live tile isn't already available in your workspace, admin's can add it from the Lucidity 365 app store.
You can give the announcement a title and description and optionally, add photos or videos.
Set a publication start and end date to schedule announcements, specify when they are released, and choose how long they will appear in the live tile.
There is also an option when creating the annoucement to “show pop-up directly to user”. This will push out the pop up directly to the users and will appear in their workspace immediately after opening or refreshing their workspace. We recommended checking this option for important or urgent announcements.
The Recipients tab controls who the announcement is presented to. Here you can choose whether the announcement is to be sent to all users or select which users/groups the announcement applies to.
Click the Preview button to check over your annoucement. Click Submit to publish it.
Your published announcements are listed in the announcements live title. When you click on the annoucment it will open in a new window showing the full description, images, videos that have been included.
When an announcement is published, a notification will be sent to the intended users. They can either open the announcement from the notification or view it from the live tile when ready.
The announcement live tile is available in multiple formats ranging from 4x4 to 8x8. If the tile size is smaller than 4x8, images and video content won’t be displayed in the live tile previews. To change the tile format, right-click the tile and select the desired size.
Editing an Announcement
To edit an annoucement, go to Settings > Annoucements.
Select the annoucement and click Edit.
Who has permission to create an Announcement?
By default, only workspace admins will have access to publish announcements.
To give other users permission, you can create a new workspace group (or modify an existing group's permissions) and set the permissions to Allow for Create and manage announcements.
Increase engagement with likes and comments
Encourage your staff to 'like' annoucements to show you they have read and anknowledged the post. The announcement also displays the number of views the post has had.
Users can add comments directly to the annoucement like below: